We are always looking for people interested in joining the Ohio Polio Network.

Who Can Join?

Individual membership is open to people who have post-polio and others who have interest in the goals and objectives of the Ohio Polio Network.
How Can You Join?
Click on the following link to display our OPN Membership Form, which you can be print, complete,  and mail. 

Please don’t forget to renew your membership to OPN by paying your annual dues

during September. The OPN year is from September 1st  thru August 31st. 

Ohio Polio Network Membership Form (dues/donations/memorials)

Annual Membership Categories
Basic -             $10.00
•  Donations - An annual list of people who made a donation in any amount will be published in the
   December Issue of The  Polio Post and on the website.
•  Special Gifts/Memorials 

The Ohio Polio Network is a non-profit and tax exempt organization under:
IRS 501(c)(3) and
Public Charity 509(a)(2).
Donations are tax deductible.


Benefits of Joining or Making a Donation

By joining you contribute to the goals and objectives of the Ohio Polio Network. In the past, membership dues and contributions funds have helped us to have Post-Polio Conferences and annual picnics. We also process requests for specific information from people who are just discovering that they have post-polio. The Ohio Polio Network also publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Polio Post. Your contributions also support this website.