Anesthesia issues for polio survivors Anesthesia For Post-Polio Patients Video Selma H. Calmes MD


Polio Anesthesia Card

Post-Polio and Cold Intolerance


Handbook on the Late Effects of Poliomyelitis for Physicians and Survivors Cold Intolerance


Cold Intolerance: Why is This a Problem for Many of Us? By Linda Wheeler Donahue


Is heat intolerance also a post-polio problem? by Richard Bruno PhD


Controlling Cold Intolerance Post-polio Syndrome: a guide for patients and their families by Julie K. Silver


Post-Polio and Fatigue


Coping with Fatigue of Post-Polio Syndrome with Susan Perlman, M.D.


Aging Well with Post-Polio Syndrome: Addressing Habits that cause Sleep Problems


Post-Polio and Exercise


Exercise and Post Polio Syndrome


A Statement about Exercise for Survivors of Polio


Articles about Exercise for Polio Survivors


Ask a Post-Polio Specialist #1 With Vance C. Eberly, MD Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center Downey, CA


Seated Exercises At The Post-Polio Wellness Retreat - Video


Post-Polio and Non-Invasive Respiratory Management



Respiratory and Sleep problems in Post-Polio


Dr. Bach's general information on Non-Invasive assessment and treatment for neuro-muscular issues regarding breathing


Dr. Bach, his bibliography/publications and 'precautions'


Post-Polio and Surgery


Polio and Surgery


Preventing Complications in Polio Survivors Undergoing Surgery (or) Receiving Anesthesia


Polio Clinic-Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center