The Post-Polio Community Mourns the Loss of Frank Craig
Frank Craig (2005)
Frank C. Craig (May 11, 1926 - July 14, 2011)
 Frank C. Craig, 85, died peacefully at home on July 14, 2011, after living a life filled with enthusiasm.
in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Frank grew up on the East Coast and graduated from Brown University. He started his career in
sales with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company and worked for Goodyear or one of its subsidiaries until his retirement. Throughout
his lifetime Frank made an impact on many lives through his volunteer work in numerous organizations including Boy Scouts,
the Bequia Mission Sunshine School, Post Polio Group, WEGO, SCORE, and Citizens Democracy Corps. After retirement, Frank developed
a passion for sailing and started the ``St. Bernard's Sailor's' group.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Marie.
Frank is survived by his eight children, Anthony (Christianne), Maureen (Dave), Frank (Cathy), Chris (Arely), Joe (Annia),
Kitty, Steve (Trudy) and John, as well as 13 beloved grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
``To reach the
port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail' May the wind fill your sails,
A Memorial Mass will take place at 1 p.m., Saturday, July 30, 2011, at St. Vincent Catholic Church, 154 W.
Market St., Akron. Family will receive friends for one hour prior to the service at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to Sunshine School, P.O. Box 90 BQ, Bequia St., Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies.

Obituary from Hummel Funeral Home and Crematories
It is with great sadness we inform you that our long-time friend and very dedicated Board member of the
Ohio Polio Network, Frank C. Craig, passed away at home peacefully on July 14, 2011. Born in Bridgeport, CT, Frank grew
up on the East Coast and graduated from Brown University. He started his career in sales with the Goodyear Tire &
Rubber Company and worked for Goodyear or one of its subsidiaries until his retirement. Throughout his lifetime, Frank
made an impact on many lives through his volunteer work in numerous organizations, including Boy Scouts, the Bequia Mission
Sunshine School, Akron Post-Polio Support Group, WEGO, SCORE, and Citizens Democracy Corps. After retirement, Frank
developed a passion for sailing and started the "St. Bernard's Sailor's Group." He was preceded in death by his wife, Marie. Frank is survived by his eight children, Anthony (Christianne), Maureen
(Dave), Frank (Cathy), Chris (Arely), Joe (Annia), Kitty, Steve (Trudy) and John, as well as 13 beloved grandchildren and
five great-grandchildren. IFrank's wishes were for memorial contributions to be made to - Sunshine school, P.O.
Box 90 BQ, bequia St. Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies, a most cherished charity of his. We celebrated Frank's life with
close family and friends on July 30th at St. Vincent Catholic Church in Akron. The memorial mass
was so beautiful...a lovely service remembering Frank with many heart warming hymns, and even a brass ensemble band played
songs such as "When the Saints go Marching In" added to the joy of knowing him and help ease our grief. The
memorial booklet was a picture of the waves on a shore with a picture of Frank sitting on a boat looking out to
sea with a real look of contentment and peace on his face, and below that touching picture of Frank were the words: " Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-- Mark Twain. Just the way Frank looked at life - the more adventure - the more excitement -- the more
learning -- the more fulfillment. Another special quote entitled "Irish Blessing" on his memorial cards read as follows: "May
the sea rise to meet you. May the wind be always in your sail. May the sun shine upon your
face; the waves swell gently beneath your bow and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."
Again, this describes Frank's very positive outlook on life that describes him so well. There was a most special video of Frank at the
memorial service also and it was evident throughout viewing it that FAMILY was key to Frank's happiness
in life. The video began showing him as a vibrant man in his younger days and as the years rolled along, you could
see how the post-polio had a debilitating effect on his body - though never his spirit!! A couple photos that were
real heart tuggers were -- Frank dressed as Santa, his love of wearing tropical-looking shirts, and a really cute one of him
playing ping pong standing on one crutch! That's our dear friend, Frank - a zest for life unmatched and one never to give up! If you knew Frank over the years, you know what a wonderful, caring and loving person he was. He
always had a million-dollar smile on his face, a trademark of Frank whenever you saw him (it didn't matter about his polio,
declining health, etc). When you talked to him, it was always about you - never about him and you immediately
felt how genuinely interested he was knowing how you were and what you had been doing. The Akron
Post-Polio Support Group and also the Ohio Polio Network were truly highlights of his social calendar and he stayed active
in both of these groups until the last couple of years when his health problems increased. Frank received the "Bernice Krumhansl Advocacy
Award" in 1998 from the Ohio Polio Network. This award is presented to a polio survivor or other individual
who is an outstanding advocate who has worked actively in support of improving the life of polio survivors and other
disability issues. This award was originally established by the OPN Board in 1988. It was
initially called "People First/Disability Second Award". It was later changed to the Bernice Krumhansl Advocacy
Award" for Bernice's untiring efforts in working with polio survivors to help maintain their quality of life.
Bernice worked for 34 years at St. Luke's Medical Center, retiring in 1986 as Director of the Physical Therapy Department.
She specialized in working with polio patients. Bernice wrote many articles on a variety of subjects, including a textbook
on physical therapy. She also traveled extensively on a lecture circuit. Her cousin,
Bill Krumhansl, said it best -- she was a special person because she healed the old-fashioned way -- with her hands,
her heart and with her head. It's easy to see how Frank was chosen for this award, as he was so deserving due to
all his work with his local post-polio support group (Akron, OH), his extensive work with the Ohio Polio Network
as a board member for so many years, and his many ongoing efforts toward working on post-polio and various
other disability issues. To say that Frank will be greatly missed by all would
be understated, but let us all remember him for being a great example of a life well lived, accepting the ups and downs in
life, perservering through life's trials and challenges and most of all, for being a exceptional and beloved friend to
all who met him, making a difference in everything he did. He wouldn't want us to feel sad, but to savor the joy
we all shared in our friendship with him. Together, we thank you, Frank, for touching our lives so lovingly...you will remain
in our hearts always. - Brenda Ferguson